Innovative Precision Solutions - "Made in Germany"
- 1974 the company Martin Greiner was founded by the brothers Greiner in Niefern
- 1978 relocation to Pforzheim-Büchenbronn took place
- 2012 Martin Greiner becomes Greiner GmbH & Co. KG with Stefan Weinlich as Managing Director
- 2015 relocation to Neuenbürg near Pforzheim and participation of Rosenberger GmbH & Co. KG
- 2017 since April, the company belongs to the Rosenberger Group with Peter Rosenberger and Rudolf Gropper as Managing Directors
- 2018 planning of expansion
- 2019 beginning of construction work for new site in Neuenbürg near Pforzheim
- 2020 relocation to new facilities at Hohlohstraße 2 - Greiner GmbH & Co. KG becomes Rosenberger Stanztechnik GmbH & Co. KG
We are a highly-capable and innovative medium-sized company with our own design department and toolmaking operations. As a partner, we can offer our customers a wealth of experience in everything from the prototype phase to series production.
One of our focuses is manufacturing complex contact parts with highest precision for automotive, telecommunication and electronic industries.